How's this place work?

If you could take a little mental holiday and go to any imaginary place, where would you go?
And what would you do while you were there?

Send me a postcard, handmade or otherwise, from an imaginary location. It can be a place from a book or a movie or a piece of music, or some other world you made up. On the other side, write and tell me what you've been doing on your vacation from reality.

All postcards to be addressed to:

Wish I Were Here
6219 156th Ave. NE
Redmond, WA 98052
United States

I'll scan a selection of postcards and post them to the blog for all and sundry to enjoy.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Postcard the ninth: Seattle Zombie Apocalypse

When it comes to postcards in the box, it seems to be either feast or famine... and today it looks like the feast is BRAIIIINS.

This is a pre-printed card, but it DOES appear to be coming from a besieged correspondent hiding out from the legions of Seattle's undead in the not-too-distant future, so perhaps we should take the circumstances into account.

Our unhappy friend writes:
"Everyone made fun of the apocalypse until it happened. Now it's too late to stop the plague from spreading -- unless Frank's time machine works. If this makes it back into the past -- it's too late for us.
Save yourselves!
I hear them comin--"

Hmm. That didn't end well. Time to practice up your Thriller dance, everyone!

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